Gift Deed to Gift/Donate property



a)    Name of Colony                       :

b)    Total Land Area u/transfer       :

c)    Proportionate Plinth area         :

d)    Land use                                   :

e)    Land Rate (per Sq. mtr.)           :

(As per Circle Rate)

f)     Cost of Land                              :

g)    Rate of Cost of Construction     :

h)    Cost of Construction                  :

i)     Total Value                                :

j)     Stamp Duty paid on             

(as per Circle Rate)

Total Stamp duty paid  @ --%    :


This Gift deed is made and executed on this ……………….day of Month of ---- of the Year ----- at --------,


           -------- son of-------, Age ----years Resident of ---------Having ---------(hereinafter called the Donor) of the one part.


           ------- son of-------, Age ---- years Resident of -------Having ----------(hereinafter called the Donee) of the other part.

          The expressions of the DONOR PARTY No. 1 and the DONEE PARTY NO.2 shall mean and include their respective heirs, successors, executors, nominees, assignees, administrators and legal representatives etc.

WHEREAS the DONOR PARTY NO.1 is the owner and in possession of the -------------situated in the layout plan of---------, alongwith free hold right of the land underneath the said property and the structure standing thereupon. The said property is bounded as under:

East    :

West  :

North : 

South :

AND WHEREAS the Donor had purchased/acquired the said property vide registered sale deed as document Registration No ------------duly regd. in the office of Sub Registrar---------, in whose favour a Conveyance Deed was executed by---------------.

AND WHEREAS, THE DONOR PARTY NO. 1 intends to Gift/Donate the -------------of the said property i.e.--------------, with all the construction made thereupon and alongwith roofrights and proportionate rights in the land underneath (‘property under gift’), unto the DONEE PARTY NO.2 and the DONEE PARTY NO.2 have also agreed to accept the same.


AND WHEREAS the above property is free from all sorts of encumbrances such as liens, charges, claim, liabilities, acquisitions, injunctions or attachments from any Court of Law, gifts, mortgages, demands, notices, notifications, legal disputes, difference, prior sale and flaws etc. etc. and the DONOR PARTY No.1 is fully entitled to dispose of the same.


AND WHEREAS the DONOR PARTY NO.1 has great love and affection for the DONEE PARTY No. 2 being his ----.



(1)   That the DONOR PARTY NO.1 does hereby donate/gift the property the ------of the said property i.e.------------, with all the construction made thereupon and alongwith entire roof rights and proportionate rights in the land underneath, UNTO his son -------on account of great love and affection for him being his son.

(2)   The possession of the aforesaid PROPERTY UNDER GIFT has been handed-over/ delivered to the DONEE PARTY NO 2 by the DONOR PARTY NO.1

(3)   That the DONEE PARTY NO. 2 has now become the absolute and exclusive Owner with all rights in the aforesaid PROPERTY UNDER GIFT from today and shall also enjoy all rights of Ownership etc. therein.

(4)   The DONOR PARTY NO.1 has now been left with no right, title, interests or liens etc. whatsoever of any sort/nature in the aforesaid PROPERTY UNDER GIFT henceforth after the execution/ registration of this GIFT DEED. The property in question is free from acquisition by the Govt. nor by any other authority.

(5)   That the DONEE PARTY NO.2 with HIS/ HER own funds shall get the PROPERTY UNDER GIFT transferred/mutated in his favour in the municipal records or in records of any Department on the basis of this GIFT DEED and Donor Party No. 1 hereby conveys his No Objection for the mutation of the property herein below mentioned under schedule, in the name of the Donee party no. 2.

(6)   That the DONEE PARTY NO.2 has accepted the GIFT of the said PROPERTY UNDER DONATION / GIFT DEED and has also taken-over the possession of the same from the DONOR-PARTY NO.1. The Donee shall exclusively be entitled to the roof-rights and to raise any further construction thereupon in accordance with law.

(7)   That the Donee shall be entitled to use the common area / parking space, etc. in the said property and all such rights as are appurtenant to the Property under Gift.

(8)   That all the expenses of the GIFT DEED such as Stamp Duty, and registration Fees etc. have been borne and paid by the DONEE PARTY NO 2.

(9)   That all future taxes, cesses, rates or any other Govt. or Municipal dues and demands in respect of the above mentioned PROPERTY UNDER DONATION/GIFT shall be borne and paid by the DONEE PARTY NO.2.

(10) That all the Title Deeds/papers including previous title deed (in originals) relating to the Gifted PROPERTY, herein below mentioned UNDER DONATION/GIFT have been handed-over/delivered to the DONEE PARTY NO.2 by the DONOR PARTY NO.1

In witness whereof, DONOR PARTY NO.1 and DONEE PARTY NO.2 have signed and executed this Gift Deed at the place, day, month and year first above written in the presence of the following witnesses –


1. Name, Address and Signature                 DONOR PARTY NO.1

2. Name, Address and Signature                 DONEE PARTY NO.2