Draft of Application to Sue as an Indigent Person

An indigent person, in legal terms, refers to an individual who lacks sufficient financial resources to afford the costs associated with pursuing or defending a lawsuit, such as paying court fees, legal fees, or other related expenses. The concept of allowing an indigent person to proceed with a legal case without bearing the usual financial burdens is rooted in the principle of ensuring access to justice for all, regardless of their financial status.

Key Aspects of an Indigent Person:

1.    Legal Provision:

o   In many jurisdictions, including India, special provisions are made to allow indigent persons to file lawsuits or defend themselves in court without paying the required court fees. In India, this provision is covered under Order XXXIII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC). A person who meets the criteria specified under this order can apply to be declared an indigent person, allowing them to proceed with their case without the burden of court fees.

2.    Criteria for Being Considered Indigent:

o   A person is considered indigent if they do not possess sufficient means to pay the court fees required for the suit. In some cases, the law specifies a threshold, such as not owning property worth a certain amount, excluding the subject matter of the suit.

o   The court may assess the applicant’s financial situation by considering factors such as income, assets, liabilities, and overall financial condition.

3.    Procedure to Sue as an Indigent Person:

o   To initiate a lawsuit as an indigent person, the individual must file an application before the court, declaring their indigence and providing evidence of their financial status.

o   The court may conduct an inquiry into the applicant’s financial condition, often requiring the applicant to list their assets and liabilities.

o   If the court is satisfied that the applicant is indeed indigent, it may grant permission to proceed with the suit without paying the court fees.

4.    Protection Against Fraudulent Claims:

o   The law includes safeguards to prevent individuals from falsely claiming indigent status to avoid court fees. For example, an indigent person cannot have transferred any of their property or entered into any agreements that would artificially reduce their financial means just before applying to sue as an indigent person.

o   The court may reject the application if it finds that the applicant has attempted to manipulate their financial situation.

5.    Rights and Obligations:

o   Once permitted to sue as an indigent person, the applicant can proceed with the lawsuit without paying court fees. However, if the person later acquires sufficient means, they may be required to pay the fees that were initially waived.

o   The law also ensures that the rights of the opposing party are not unfairly affected by the indigent person’s inability to pay fees, maintaining a balance between access to justice and fairness in legal proceedings.


Allowing indigent persons to pursue or defend legal cases is vital for upholding the principle of justice. It ensures that financial hardship does not bar individuals from seeking or defending their rights in court. This provision helps maintain the integrity of the legal system by ensuring that it is accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic situation.

Application to Sue as an Indigent Person

In the Court of the Ld. Judge at ___________
Title Suit No. ______/20

In the matter of:

A.B.                                                                        ... Plaintiff


C.D.                                                                    ... Defendant

Suit for Title and Possession Valued at Rs. ___________


The above-named Plaintiff respectfully states as follows:

1.    Pleadings


2.    That the Plaintiff, A.B., is an indigent person. He is not possessed of sufficient means to enable him to pay the court fees of Rs. ___________ as prescribed by law for the plaint in the above-referenced suit. The Plaintiff, A.B., is an indigent person. He does not own any property worth Rs. ____, apart from the subject matter of this suit.


3.    That the Plaintiff hereby declares that he has not entered into any agreement with any individual or entity concerning the subject matter of the suit that would affect his financial status or ability to pay the required court fees.


4.    Further, the Plaintiff affirms that he has not transferred or disposed of any of his property within the two months preceding the filing of this application, either fraudulently or with the intent of seeking permission to sue as an indigent person.


5.    Properties Owned and Estimated Value:


The properties currently owned and possessed by the Plaintiff, along with their estimated values, are listed below:

  • (a) [Description of Property 1]: Rs. ___________
  • (b) [Description of Property 2]: Rs. ___________

            Total Value (in words): Rs. ___________


In light of the aforementioned facts, the Plaintiff humbly prays that this Hon’ble Court be pleased to:

a.      Permit the Plaintiff to sue as an indigent person under the provisions of Order XXXIII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.

  1. Grant any further relief that this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the interest of justice.

Place: ___________
Date: ___________

Signature of the Plaintiff
Address: ___________
Advocate: ___________
(If represented by an advocate)