Draft of Personal Bond and Surety Bond to be submitted before the Court

IN THE COURT OF__________,

____________DISTRICT COURT, _________

 Case No. ___/20__ 

In The Matter Of:

______                                 Versus                                ________


Date of Decision: ________


Whereas I, _______ S/o _______ R/o __________was convicted and sentenced by this Hon’ble Court in the above said case for the offence u/s ______, vide judgment dated ______ and order on sentence dated _______. Whereas, an appeal was filed against the aforesaid order of conviction and sentence vide Criminal Appeal no. _______ before the Hon’ble High Court and Hon’ble High Court had pleased to order the suspension of sentence of the appellant ___________during the pendency of appeal and was pleased to suspend the sentence and release the appellant ______ vide order dated _______ during the pendency of the appeal subject to the conditions as imposed by this Hon’ble Court vide order dated _______.

Whereas in compliance with the order passed by the Hon’ble High Court in the aforesaid ________, I do hereby furnish a personal bond in the sum of Rs. ______ and do hereby bind myself to be present before the Hon’ble High Court or any other concerned court in this case as and when the appeal is taken up for hearing or as and when directed and in case of making default therein, I shall be liable to pay a sum of Rs. ______ as penalty to the Government.

Dated:                                                                    ___________



IN THE COURT OF__________,

____________DISTRICT COURT, _________

 Case No. ___/20__ 

In The Matter Of:

 ______                                 Versus                                ________


Date of Decision: ________


I, ____ S/o _____ r/o ______ do hereby stand surety for _____in the sum of Rs. ____in the aforesaid case, and do hereby bind myself to present the said convict _____before this Hon’ble Court or before the Hon’ble High Court or before any other Court of competent jurisdiction or for undergoing requisite sentence of imprisonment in case his aforesaid appeal is dismissed by the Hon’ble High Court, and further hereby bind myself that the appellant shall present himself as and when his appeal will be taken up for hearing and as and when directed by the Hon’ble High Court. In case of making default therein, I shall be liable to pay a sum of Rs. _____ as penalty to the Government.

New Delhi

Date:                                                                Signature of Surety  


          IN THE COURT OF__________,

____________DISTRICT COURT, _________

 Case No. ___/20__


In The Matter Of:

______                                 Versus                                ________


Date of Decision: ________


I, ______ S/o_______, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: -

1.    That I am a citizen of India and permanent resident of above -mentioned address.

2.    That my Aadhaar Card number is _____________.

3.    That I have a Fixed Deposit which is already on record for a sum of Rs.______.

4.    That I am _____of the accused and as such have sufficient control over him and can secure his presence at the time of hearing of appeal or at any time as and when required by the Hon’ble Court.

5.    That I have not stood as surety for any other accused in any case.



Verified at Delhi on this __th day of month ___ that the contents of the present affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.