Suit for Eviction, recovery of arrears of rent, mesne profits and damages

BEFORE THE DISTRICT JUDGE, _________________


C. S. NO. _________ OF 20__




___________________                                           ….PLAINTIFF




___________________                                       ….DEFENDANT






Page No.


Memo of Parties



Suit for Eviction, recovery of arrears of rent, mesne profits and damages.



List of Documents alongwith documents






       FILED BY


DATE: ____







BEFORE THE DISTRICT JUDGE, _________________


C. S. NO. _________ OF 20__




___________________                                           ….PLAINTIFF




___________________                                       ….DEFENDANT





S/o ______________,

R/o _______                                                               ….PLAINTIFF





S/o ______________,

R/o _______                                                          ….DEFENDANT                              






BEFORE THE DISTRICT JUDGE, _________________


C. S. NO. _________ OF 20__






S/o ______________,

R/o _______                                                               ….PLAINTIFF





S/o ______________,

R/o _______                                                          ….DEFENDANT                              





1.         That the plaintiff/landlord is a peace-loving and law abiding citizen and is being harassed by the defendant/tenant, who is harboring evil intentions of grabbing the tenanted premises.


2.    That the plaintiff is the absolute owner of the property no. _________________________(hereinafter referred as ‘the tenanted premises’). The tenanted premises have been shown in Red in the Site Plan annexed with the plaint.


3.         That the plaintiff had leased out the tenanted premises to the defendant in the month of _________, and for usage as _____.


4.         That accordingly, initially a 'Lease Deed' was executed on __________between the plaintiff and the defendant. The said Lease was for a period of three year w.e.f. __________________and the rent was agreed to be _________.


5.    That, thereafter on the expiry of aforesaid lease period, another lease deed dated ________ was executed between the plaintiff and the defendant. The said Lease was for a period of three year w.e.f. __________and the rent was agreed to be _________.


6.    That, thereafter, the said lease was renewed and extended from time to time and lastly, vide lease deed dated _________, the lease was extended for a period of three years w.e.f._________ and the rent was agreed to be _________.Thereafter, no written agreement was executed, however, the defendant continued as a tenant.


7.    That, however, even after the expiry of the agreed lease period, the defendant, continued as tenant in the tenanted premises and continued to pay rent, without execution of any lease deed and further despite several correspondences and meetings, the terms could not be finalized and no lease deed could be executed.


8.    That the last paid rent of the tenanted premises is __________.


9.    That the defendant had been paying the monthly rent regularly till _________ by way of account transfer. However, the defendant, became very irregular in payment of the rent as well as electricity, water and maintenance charges after_______.


10. That the defendant failed to pay the rent of the tenanted premises on time and have been making the payment of monthly rent intermittently and that too after persistent demands by the plaintiff. As on _________, an amount of __________is outstanding towards arrears of rent.


11. That the defendant have also failed to pay the electricity charges and water charges as per actual consumption and the maintenance charges since ________.


12. That the tenancy in respect of the tenanted premises is a month-to-month tenancy, in absence of any valid agreement, and is terminable by 15 days' notice by either of the parties in view of the section 106 of transfer of property act.


13. That the plaintiff had also intimated the defendant vide notice dated ___________ about the termination of the lease in terms of section 106 of the Transfer of Property Act. It was unambiguously stated in the said notice that the tenancy of the defendant stands terminated and further, the defendant was called upon to vacate the tenanted premises and to clear the outstanding rent.


14. That in view of aforesaid facts, the defendant is in unauthorized occupation of the tenanted premises after expiry of 15 days from receipt of the notice dated _______.


15. That the defendant is liable to pay a sum of Rs.______________ /- for unlawful occupation of the tenanted premises w.e.f. _____________till the actual possession is handed over to the plaintiff.  


16. That the defendant harbors dishonest intentions and wants to grab the tenanted premises. Therefore, the plaintiff have no other option but to approach this Hon’ble Court for eviction of tenanted premises and for recovery of arrears of rent and damages.


17. That the plaintiff is entitled for the mesne profits arising out of the use of the tenanted premises by the defendant. The tenanted premises can easily fetch Rs._____________/-  per month, if let out on rent and thus the defendant is liable to pay the mesne profits @ Rs._______________ /-per month during pendency of the suit. Further, the transaction between the plaintiff and the defendant being commercial in nature, the plaintiff is entitled to an interest @18 % per annum for the period of delay till the peaceful possession is handed over to the plaintiff.    


18. That the cause of action has arisen on _________, when the defendant failed to vacate the tenanted premises after termination of the lease vide notice dated _______ and further failed to clear the outstanding rental dues. The cause of action still continues as the defendant continues to be in unauthorized occupation in the tenanted premises and is not clearing the outstanding dues.


19.     That the tenanted premises is situated at ________located in ________within the territorial jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court and hence this court has the territorial jurisdiction to adjudicate the present suit.


20.     That the annual rent for the tenanted premises as per the lease agreement is Rs._______________/- and as such the suit valuation for the purposes of relief of eviction is Rs.____________/- on which requisite court fee of Rs._________/- has been affixed. The arrears of rent claimed is Rs.________/-  on which requisite court fee of Rs._________/- has been affixed. The damages are calculated @ Rs. ________/- per month from _______________ till actual date of handing over possession, and as such the exact amount cannot be ascertained as on the date of institution of suit, however, appropriate court fee of Rs.________/- payable on Rs.____________/- i.e. damages payable till institution of the suit, is affixed. The plaintiff undertakes to pay the deficient court fee, if any.


The total valuation of suit and court fee is as under:-


Valuation              Court Fee


(a)  For the relief of eviction:      Rs.              Rs.       

(b) For recovery of rent    :         Rs.               Rs.      

(c)  For damages/                         Rs.               Rs.      

mesne profts               


Thus, this Hon’ble Court has the pecuniary jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate the present suit.


21. That the plaintiff has further claimed the mesne profits on account of unauthorized occupation and use of the tenanted premises by the defendant from the date of filing of the suit till the date of handing over the possession of tenanted premises, and the plaintiff undertakes to pay the appropriate court fee on the amount awarded under this head at the time of passing of the decree since the same is not yet ascertainable. However, the court fee on the total amount payable till the filing of the suit has been paid.


22. That the present suit is filed within the period of limitation.




It is, therefore, most respectfully, prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased:


(a)           To pass a decree of eviction thereby directing the defendant, its agents, representatives, attorneys, etc. to vacate and handover the peaceful possession of the tenanted premises i.e._____________________, as shown in Red in the Site Plan annexed herewith.

(b)          To pass a money decree for an amount Rs.___________________)  in favour of the plaintiff and against the defendant towards arrears of rent from alongwith an interest @18% p.a. for the period of delay.

(c)           To pass a money decree for an amount Rs. _________________/- in favour of the plaintiff and against the defendant towards damages/mesne profits on account of unlawful occupation and use of the tenanted premises by the defendant for the period from ____________ till he date of actual handing over the peaceful possession of tenanted premises to the plaintiff alongwith an interest @18% p.a.

(d)          Award the cost of litigation in favour of the Plaintiff and against the defendants.

(e)           Pass any other order as may be deemed fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.




New Delhi                                                                              Advocate





Verified at Delhi on this ____ day of _______that the contents of para ___to ____are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, the contents of para_____ to ____ alongwith prayer clause are true and correct as per the legal advice received and believed to be true and correct.






BEFORE THE DISTRICT JUDGE, _________________


C. S. NO. _________ OF 20__




___________________                                           ….PLAINTIFF




___________________                                       ….DEFENDANT




I, ________________, S/o_____________, R/o______________; do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:


1.             That I am the Plaintiff in the abovenoted case and am well conversant with the facts and circumstances of the above noted case and therefore competent to swear this affidavit

2.             That the contents of the accompanying Plaint/Suit have been drafted by my Counsel under my instructions and the contents of the same have been read over, explained to me in vernacular and admitted by me to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

3.             That the contents of the accompanying plaint may kindly be read as part and parcel of the present affidavit and the same are not being repeated herein for the sake of brevity.



Verified at Delhi on this day of month 20__, that the contents of the aforesaid paras are true and correct to my knowledge and no part of it is false and nothing has been concealed therefrom.




BEFORE THE DISTRICT JUDGE, _________________


C. S. NO. _________ OF 20__




___________________                                           ….PLAINTIFF




___________________                                       ….DEFENDANT



1.    Site Plan

2.    Lease Deed dated ________

3.    Lease Deed dated _________

4.    Lease Deed dated _________

5.    Legal Notice dated ______with postal receipts.

6.    Any other document with permission of the Hon’ble Court




DATE: ____


                                                       Advocates for Plaintiff