Legal Notice for recovery of Dues




To,                                                                     Date: 



 R/o :




Under the instructions and authority conferred upon me by my client ___________.I hereby serve you the following legal notice :-

  1.      That you, the addressee, is ______ (Hereinafter referred as ‘______’).

 2.      That my client is one of the best service provider in ___ and provides quality services and facilities of highest quality and competence to its customer and the same demands a corresponding fees for continuance of such services.

 3.      That you, the addressee, have been defaulting on the payment of dues for the period of _______ for the services availed ______.

 4.      That the legitimate outstanding dues as payable on the date of this legal notice are as follow:





5.      That all the services supplied by my client to you the addressee were duly availed by you without any complaint. Despite receiving the said services, you have failed to make full payment to my client, although, you had acknowledged the outstanding amount and promised to pay the same.

6.      That you are hereby informed that my client is providing you the stipulated 15% concession in respect of the aforesaid charges.

 7.      That multiple reminders and circulars demanding payment of outstanding dues were issued to you, however, you failed to pay any heed to the same.

8.      That you are under a legal liability to pay the aforesaid charges to my client and failure to pay the same is a breach of contract under which you were availing services from my client. Such   failure shall also attract an interest @12% per annum for the period of default.

In view of the above, I hereby call upon you to pay the entire amount of Rs. _______ to my client within a period of 15 days from the receipt of this legal notice failing which I have clear instructions from my client to initiate appropriate legal proceedings against you entirely at your own cost and risk.



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