Show Cause Notice requesting an individual to furnish record pertaining to his/her eligibility requirements as required under the rules

Date : ___.    .



                                        SHOW CAUSE NOTICE

This is to inform you that you are requested to furnish record pertaining to your eligibility requirements as required under the rules for the post ----------.

Your appointment was made on the post of ----------- subject to fulfilment of certain educational qualification and as per the Act ------------------,(------THE-------- RELEVANT ------------ EXTRACT ------------- SPECIFYING --------ELIGIBILITY --------------- REQUIREMENTS). On a perusal of records, it is revealed from records that you--------------------. As per rules you were ineligible for the said post ------------.  An opportunity was granted to you as per your request to prove your educational eligibility to --------------------through notice dated -------------  . However, till date no such records have been provided to the recruitment authority/management authority.

You are hereby given an opportunity to furnish copy of  documents ------------issued by a recognised Board/Institution to show that you possess the minimum educational/special skills  required  as per rules and regulations of---------------------- within 7 days of receipt of this notice, failing which it will be presumed that you do not possess the requisite qualification  and in such an event an enquiry shall be conducted against you for not possessing the minimum required qualification. Your response to the present notice must reach the undersigned within a period of 7 days from the issue of this letter.  

