Legal Notice seeking recovery of additional payment done to the other





Under instructions and authority from my client . ____________________,Address_______________________________, we serve upon you the following legal Notice.

1. That my client has availed your ------ services Invoice no. ___________dated _______ for shipping of parcel from ___________ to___________.

2. That the amount of Rs--------- has been charged as -------------comprising of the duly calculated ------- and additional charges as stated in your correspondence.

3. That my client who has been a regular customer of your services has been shocked and dismayed by sudden unravelling of additional charges which has increased the legitimate dues from ------------.

4. That after perusing the rules and regulations for levying of ------------on aforesaid services. It came to our knowledge even by incorporating ----------the legitimate dues thus comes out to be of only Rs. ----------and thus additional charge of Rs --------were illegitimate.

 5. That through my clients’s correspondence dated------------ to you therein my client enlightened you about the computation of the legitimate amount being payable i.e.--------------.

6. That however again in your correspondence through email dated --------------pm you asserted that the amount comprises of  -----------and further threatened him that in case of nonpayment--------- would not be delivered.

7. That------- still justified the additional charges arising therof on account of the services rendered by the company which were not disclosed earlier.

8. That your token waive off of Rs ------- as stated in your email dated ------------- cannot be a garb to hide the prevalent unfair trade practice carried out by the company against innocent customer.

8.  That Further such conduct of your amounts to unfair trade practices under ---------------- is extracted below as follows

10. That however my client has cleared aforesaid invoice amounting to ---------------as per dues stated by you in email dated-------------.

11. That your company has created unnecessary financial loss and mental agony to my client by levying an illegal and arbitrary additional amount of Rs ----- services which is liable to be refunded.

We, therefore, call upon you through this legal notice to refund Rs.  -----------levied upon the -----services availed to my client with ------------interest within a period of 7 days from the receipt of this legal notice failing which our client shall be constrained to file civil as well as criminal complaint and also any other legal proceedings against all the responsible directors and staff or your company in the court of law, and in that event you might be burdened with all fees and risks which please note carefully.

You are further liable to pay a sum of Rs. ______/- as necessary cost and expenses of sending the present legal notice to you.



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