Notice of Dereliction of Duty


Name of Addressee,


Subject: Notice of Dereliction of Duty


I hope this message finds you well. However, it is with a sense of urgency that I write to address a matter of concern regarding your performance at ____________. It has been brought to our attention that there have been repeated instances where you have failed to fulfill your duties as outlined in your job description and expected of you as a valued member of our team.

Upon review, we have identified several specific instances of dereliction of duty:

[Provide detailed description of the first incident where the employee failed to fulfill their responsibilities, including dates, times, and any relevant context.]



As an organization, we prioritize accountability, professionalism, and excellence in all aspects of our operations. Your failure to meet these standards not only reflects poorly on your individual performance but also has a negative impact on the productivity and morale of the entire team.

We recognize that there may be underlying factors contributing to these lapses in performance, and we are committed to supporting you in addressing any challenges you may be facing. However, it is imperative that you take immediate and decisive action to rectify the situation and demonstrate a renewed commitment to fulfilling your responsibilities.

To facilitate your improvement and ensure alignment with company expectations, we propose the following steps:

Acknowledgment: Please acknowledge receipt of this notice and your understanding of its contents by replying to this email.

Meeting: Schedule a meeting with me at your earliest convenience to discuss the concerns outlined in this notice and to provide any additional context or insights you believe are relevant.

Action Plan: Together, we will develop a comprehensive action plan outlining specific steps and timelines for improvement. This plan will be tailored to address the areas where you have fallen short and will include measurable goals to track your progress.

Support: We are committed to providing you with the necessary resources, training, and support to help you succeed. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any additional resources or accommodations you require.

Please understand that continued failure to meet the expectations outlined in this notice may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your employment with [Company Name].

We believe in your potential and are confident that, with dedication and effort, you can overcome these challenges and regain your standing as a valuable asset to our team. However, it is essential that we address these issues promptly and decisively to ensure the continued success of our organization.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss how we can work together to resolve these concerns and support your ongoing professional development.


