Demand Notice/Invoice Demanding Payment Under The Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016

//To be Issued on Letter Head //


[Under Rule 5 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2016] 

                         Date: _______.2023




From :



Regd. Office at :

(Through Counsel)


1.    This letter is a demand notice demanding payment of an unpaid operational debt from you the addressee i.e --------is being issued under the instructions and authority conferred upon me by my client.

2.    Please find particular of the unpaid operational debt below: 


1.Total Amount of Debt,

Details of Transactions on Account of which Debt fell due and the date from which such Debt fell due




The aforesaid debt amount of Rs. ----------- became due on ________________ when the last payment was made and the said amount is still outstanding.  



2.Amount claimed to be in default and the date on which the default occurred (Attach the working for computation of default in tabular form)


The aforesaid debt amount of Rs. Rs -------- became due on ___________________when the last payment was made and the default in continuing even today. The last paid amount was on ________________ and since thereafter, despite reminders no payment has been made.


The computation of default is attached herewith.



3. Particulars of security held, if any, the date of its creation, its estimated vaue as per the creditor. (Attach a copy of a certificate of registration of the charge issued by the registrar of companies (if the corporate debtor is company)


Not Applicable

4.Details of retention of title arrangements(if any) in respect of goods to which the operational debt refers.



5.Record of the default with the information utility (in any)


6. Provision of law, contract or other document under which debt has became due.

The various services have been provided by us in pursuance to the various work Order issued from time to time  


7.List of documents attached to this application

(1) Copy of Work Order

(2) Copy of Invoices

(3) Copy of dishonoured cheques.

(4) Copy of Ledger Account maintained by us.

 (5) Copy of Confirmation of Balance as on ________________


3.    If you dispute the existence or amount of unpaid operational debt (in default) please provide the undersigned, within ten days of the receipt of this letter, of the pendency of the suit or arbitration proceedings in relation to such disputes filed before the receipt of this letter/notice.

4.    If you believe that the debt has been repaid before the receipt of this letter, please demonstrate  such repayment by sending to us, within ten days of receipt of this letter, the following:

(a)  An attested copy of the record of electronic transfer of the unpaid amount from the bank account of the corporate debtor; or

(b) An attested copy of any record that -------------- has received the payment.

5.    The undersigned, hereby, attaches a certificate from an information utility confirming that no dispute raised in relation to the relevant operational debt has been filed by any person at any information utility,(if applicable) : Not Applicable

6.    The undersigned request you to unconditionally repay the unpaid operational debt (in default) in full within ten days from the receipt of this letter failing which we shall initiate a corporate insolvency resolution process in respect of --------------

Yours sincerely


Signature of person authorized

to act on behalf of the

operational creditor


Name in block letters


Position with or in relation

to the Operational Creditor


Counsel of the Operational Creditor

Address of person signing