Draft of Guardianship Petition

A guardian is a person who is legally appointed to care for and make decisions on behalf of another individual who is unable to do so due to age, incapacity, or disability. Typically, guardianship is granted by a court, and it can apply to minors (children under the legal age) or adults who are incapacitated due to physical or mental conditions. The guardian’s role involves making decisions regarding the ward’s personal, financial, and sometimes medical affairs.

Guardianship can be temporary or permanent, depending on the circumstances, and the scope of authority varies based on the terms of the legal appointment. There are different types of guardians, such as:

  • Legal guardian: A person responsible for a minor or an incapacitated adult.
  • Guardian of the person: A guardian who makes decisions about personal care, including living arrangements, education, and medical care.
  • Guardian of the estate: A guardian appointed to manage the financial and property affairs of the individual under care.

In some cases, guardianship can be voluntary, where the individual consents, or involuntary, where it is imposed due to incapacity.

Petition for Appointment of Guardian for Minor Children


IN THE COURT OF ________________




Appointing a guardian for:
(A) Minor Child
(B) Minor Child
(C) Minor Child                                                 

__________                                                           ......... Petitioner

The humble petition of the above-named petitioner respectfully states as follows:


1.    That A, B, and C, sons of the late "D," ordinarily residing at Village .........., P.S. .........., District ............., within the jurisdiction of this court, were born respectively on .............. B.S. ............. B.S. ............. B.S., and are of the ............ religion and ............ gender.


2.    That the said minors are entitled to certain properties, details of which are as follows:

| Locality | Area | Revenue | Approx. Value |

           Total Estimated Value: Rs. ..............


3.    That the property is currently in the possession of ‘X,’ the grandfather of the minors, residing at Village .........., P.S............., District............


4.    That the mother of the minors, ..............., presently has custody of the said minors.


5.    That the minors' close relatives include:

(i) P, son of the Q, grandfather of the minors, residing at Village .........., P.S .........., District ..........
(ii) S.S., maternal grandfather of the minors, residing at Village .........., P.S .........., District ..........


6.    That no application regarding the guardianship of the said minors has been made to this or any other court.


7.    That no guardian has been appointed for the person or property of the said minors by any person who may have been entitled or believed to have had the authority to do so under the relevant laws.


8.    That this application is submitted for the appointment of a guardian for the person and property of the said minors.


9.    That the petitioner is the mother of the minors, and the minors have been living with her in the same household as their grandfather, P has neglected the welfare of the minors and appropriated the income generated from the minors' properties. He has recently ceased paying tuition fees for the minors' private tutor, and in ........... B.S., he fraudulently transferred ........... bighas of land belonging to the minors to his daughter. He has also been selling the produce from the minors' lands for his own benefit while failing to pay the land revenue for the past .......... years, placing the minors' properties at risk of being sold through Certificate Proceedings. Therefore, to secure the welfare and property of the minors, it is necessary for the petitioner, as their mother, to be appointed as their guardian without delay.


10. That the present petition has been made bonafide and in the interest of justice.


It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleased to:


A)  Issue an order appointing her as guardian for the person and property of the minors under Section 7 of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890.; and


B)   Pass any other or further order(s) as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the interest of justice.


           New Delhi                                                          Petitioner



IN THE COURT OF ________________




Appointing a guardian for:
(A) Minor Child
(B) Minor Child
(C) Minor Child     

______________                                                   ......... Petitioner


I, _______C/o_______, R/o ___________aged about ___ years, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: -


1.    That I am the petitioner in the above noted petition and am well conversant with the facts of the present case and as such competent to depose this affidavit.


2.    That the accompanying petition has been drafted by my counsels on my instruction, and its contents have been read over to me in vernacular and the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and are not being repeated herein for the sake of brevity.


3.    That the contents of the accompanying petition may kindly be read as part and parcel of this affidavit.




Verified at Delhi on this ____ day of August 20 that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

