Draft of Application for the Appointment of a Receiver in a Partition Suit

A receiver under the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) in India is a person appointed by a court to take custody and manage the property or assets that are the subject of a dispute during the pendency of a suit or legal proceedings. The purpose of appointing a receiver is to preserve and protect the property in dispute until the final resolution of the case.

The receiver's role and powers are governed by Order XL (40) of the CPC, and they are essentially considered an officer of the court, acting under the court’s supervision. The key features of a receiver's role include:

1.    Custody and Protection of Property: The receiver is responsible for the care, management, and protection of the property in dispute. This includes collecting rent, profits, or income from the property.

2.    Neutrality: The receiver acts impartially to ensure that the interests of both parties to the dispute are protected until the court makes a final decision.

3.    Powers of a Receiver: A receiver has the power to manage and preserve the property, make necessary repairs, pay taxes, and conduct any other action the court permits to ensure the property’s value is not diminished.

4.    Remuneration: The court generally fixes the receiver's remuneration, which is usually borne by the property or by the parties to the dispute.

5.    Appointment: The court can appoint a receiver if it deems it just and convenient, typically in situations where:

o   The property is at risk of being wasted, damaged, or misused.

o   There is a conflict of interests among parties regarding the management of the property.

o   The property requires oversight to ensure its value or income is maintained.

The appointment of a receiver is seen as a temporary remedy, with the court retaining ultimate control and oversight over the property or asset.


Application for the Appointment of a Receiver in a Partition Suit
(Under Order 40, Rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure)


IN THE COURT OF SH.___________,


                                     Suit No.__________


A.B. ............                                                      ............ Plaintiff.


C.D. and 10 others                                        ............ Defendants


Petition under Order 40, Rule 1 of the Civil Procedure Code

The petitioner respectfully states as follows:


1.    That the plaintiff is the rightful owner of 0.66 acres of land, as described in Schedule "C" of the plaint, which was acquired through a registered sale deed (-------) from Defendant No. 2, who is a co-owner of the said property.


2.    That the land in Schedule C is clearly demarcated and distinctly separated from the rest of the holding, as reflected in the plaintiff’s title deed.


3.    That the plaintiff has been in uninterrupted possession of the said land. All the defendants, except for Defendants No. 5 to 8, have filed a joint written statement acknowledging the plaintiff’s possession over the Schedule C land.


4.    That Defendants No. 5 to 7, however, dispute the plaintiff's possession, and as a result, the plaintiff has sought relief through partition in the ongoing suit.


5.    That due to the unwarranted interference by Defendants No. 5 to 7, the plaintiff fears that any attempt to cultivate the land will lead to a breach of peace and potential harassment. Additionally, failure to cultivate the land promptly will result in a loss of crops and economic harm to the plaintiff.


6.    That the present petition has been made bonafide and in the interest of justice.



It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleased to:


A)  Appoint a Receiver to take control of the land described in Schedule C, to oversee its cultivation, and to harvest the future crops under the court's supervision and


B)  Pass any other or further order(s) as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the interest of justice.


           New Delhi                                                          Plaintiff






IN THE COURT OF SH.___________,


                                     Suit No.__________


A.B. ............                                                      ............ Plaintiff.


C.D. and 10 others                                        ............ Defendants


I, _______C/o_______, R/o ___________aged about ___ years, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: -


1.    That I am the plaintiff in the above noted suited and am well conversant with the facts of the present case and as such competent to depose this affidavit.


2.    That the accompanying petition has been drafted by my counsels on my instruction, and its contents have been read over to me in vernacular and the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and are not being repeated herein for the sake of brevity.


2.    That the contents of the accompanying petition may kindly be read as part and parcel of this affidavit.



Verified at Delhi on this ____ day of August 20 that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

