Draft of Application for Probate of a Will

Probate of a will is the legal process by which a will is recognized and validated by a court as the last testament of a deceased person. It is the formal procedure to prove the authenticity of the will and to establish the executor’s authority to administer the estate according to the terms of the will. The process ensures that the will is genuine, the deceased was competent to make it, and it was not executed under duress or undue influence.

Key Elements of Probate:

1.    Filing for Probate: When a person dies leaving a will, the executor named in the will must file a petition for probate in the appropriate court. This is usually done in the jurisdiction where the deceased resided or where the majority of their assets are located.

2.    Validation of the Will: The court examines the will to confirm it meets legal requirements (e.g., proper signatures, witnesses, and voluntary execution). If there are objections, such as claims that the will was forged or created under duress, these are considered during probate.

3.    Appointment of the Executor: Once the will is validated, the court formally appoints the executor. The executor is responsible for administering the estate—this includes paying debts, distributing assets to beneficiaries, and managing any other legal obligations of the estate.

4.    Public Notice: The court may issue a public notice of the probate proceeding, allowing creditors or other interested parties to file claims against the estate.

5.    Distribution of Assets: After debts, taxes, and claims against the estate have been settled, the executor distributes the remaining assets to the beneficiaries according to the terms of the will.

Importance of Probate:

  • Legal Confirmation: It provides legal confirmation that the will is valid and gives authority to the executor to act on behalf of the estate.
  • Protection Against Fraud: Probate ensures that the will is not fraudulent and reflects the true intentions of the deceased.
  • Dispute Resolution: If there are disputes over the validity of the will or the distribution of assets, probate provides a legal forum to resolve them.

In India, probate is compulsory in certain cases, such as for wills executed in areas governed by the Indian Succession Act (e.g., the cities of Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai). It may not be required in other regions unless the will is contested or involves complex legal issues

Application for Probate of a Will
(Under Section 276 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925)

IN THE COURT OF SH.___________,


                                     Suit No.__________


A.B., son of C.D.
(Provide full description and address)              .............. Petitioner

In the matter of the probate of the will of the late E.F., deceased, under Section 276 of the Indian Succession Act.

The petitioner respectfully submits as follows:

1.    That E.F., of ............, P.S. ..........., District ..........., passed away at his residence on .................. (date of death), and the document enclosed in a sealed cover is his last will, properly executed by the deceased on ................ (date of execution).


2.    That the petitioner has been appointed as the executor of the said will as named therein.


3.    That the total value of the assets expected to come into the petitioner’s possession is approximately Rs. ........... as detailed in Schedule ‘A’ below (if applicable, the outstanding liabilities are mentioned in Schedule ‘B’).


4.    That the deceased is survived by the following relatives, in addition to the petitioner:

(i) G.............., son of ............., residing at ............. (Relation: Brother of the deceased)
(ii) H............., widow of ............., residing at ............. (Relation: Widow of the deceased)
(iii) M..........., daughter of ............., residing at ............. (Relation: Daughter of the deceased)


5.    That at the time of death, the deceased’s permanent residence was located at ............. (or the deceased owned immovable property in village ............, P.S. ..........., District ...........), which falls under the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court.


6.    That, to the best of the petitioner’s knowledge, no other application for the probate of the said will has been submitted to any other court (as per Section 279 of the Indian Succession Act).


7.    That the present petition has been made bonafide and in the interest of justice.



It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may kindly be pleased to:


A)    Grant probate of the said will of the deceased to the petitioner. and


B)    Pass any other or further order(s) as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the interest of justice.


           New Delhi                                                          Petitioner



IN THE COURT OF SH.___________,


                                     Suit No.__________


A.B., son of C.D.
(Provide full description and address)              .............. Petitioner



I, _______C/o_______, R/o ___________aged about ___ years, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: -


1.    That I am the petitioner in the above noted application and am well conversant with the facts of the present case and as such competent to depose this affidavit.


2.    That the accompanying application has been drafted by my counsels on my instruction, and its contents have been read over to me in vernacular and the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and are not being repeated herein for the sake of brevity.


3.    That the contents of the accompanying application may kindly be read as part and parcel of this affidavit.



Verified at Delhi on this ____ day of August 20 that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

