
A startup can be broadly defined as a young and innovative business enterprise that is typically characterized by its focus on developing and bringing to market new products, services, or technologies.

Key characteristics of startups are:


Startups often aim to address a gap in the market or solve a specific problem with their innovative ideas, products, or services.


Startups aim to scale their operations, expand their customer base, and increase their market share over time.

Risk and Understanding

Startups often operate in environments where there is a significant degree of uncertainty and further face challenges such as market acceptance, competition, and financial constraint.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Startups are often seek to disrupt traditional industries or create entirely new markets by spearheading innovation.

Technology Orientation

Startups tend to leverage technology as a core component of their business model integrating usage of software, mobile applications, artificial intelligence, or other advanced technologies.

Ecosystem Management

Startups do actively participate in startup incubators, accelerators, networking events, and industry conferences.