
A trademark is a legally registered symbol, word, or combination of words, logo, or other distinctive mark that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods or services of one party from those of others and plays a crucial role in protecting the intellectual property of businesses and helping consumers identify and choose products or services with confidence.

Key points about trademarks include:

1.    Distinctiveness: A mark must be distinctive and not generic or descriptive to be eligible for trademark registration as distinctiveness helps consumers associate the mark with a specific source.

2. Registration: A registered trademark provides additional legal benefits and protections.

3.  Rights and Protection: Trademark registration provides its owners exclusive right to use their marks in connection with the goods or services and it prevents others from using deceptively similar marks in the same industry.

4.    Duration: Trademark rights are granted for a duration such as 10 years.

5.  Enforcement: Trademark owners can enforcing their rights by initiating legal action against infringing parties to stop unauthorized use of the mark.